Developer HowTo(s)

Testing the WebSocket bundle

This How-To aims at providing the basics to start experimenting/developing with WebSocket and the corresponding Dog WebSocket bundles. WebSocket is a W3C/IETF standard providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket standard simplifies much of the complexity around bi-directional web communication and connection management, with the objective to enable effective real-time (event-driven) communication with minimal latency. It uses a dedicated protocol, instead of relying on HTTP.


Posted on 13 January 2015

Testing the MqttBridge bundle

This How-To aims at providing the basics to start experimenting/developing with MQTT and the corresponding Dog MqttBridge bundle. MQTT is a lightweight protocol mainly designed for transferring telemetry data, with configurable reliability. It adopts a publish/subscribe communication paradigm based on a central broker (e.g., Mosquitto). Delivered data belongs to specific topics which allow subscribers to select needed streams, only. Topics are hierarchically organized and wildcard constructs are provided to allow subscription to entire families of messages (see for further references).


Posted on 23 December 2014

Device driver How-To (for existing technologies)

Even if a given technology, e.g., ZWave, might already be supported in Dog, there are cases in which drivers for specific devices are missing. In this simple tutorial we tackle the development of a new device driver for a technology already supported in Dog.


Posted on 24 February 2014